Good-Bye, Kiribati

The children, their little brown bodies and silky-black sun-streaked hair shining, are bathed in the shallows after running unconstrained all day. A woman with a stick, bent doubled over, digs tiny protein-rich clams out of the sand to feed her infant. The strong young men, with their small, weathered, fishing boat, are sliding into the turquoise lagoon, spreading their hand-made nets to collect the hefty fish from the slow, outgoing tide. […]

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The Futility of Walls – New Orleans #3

In the early 1700s, Jean Baptist Le Moyne de Bienville planted the French flag on a bank near the mouth of the Mississippi River. On a berm above the water line, outside an acute curve, he laid out the crescent-shaped city of La Nouvelle-Orleans, or New Orleans. About a year later the little city flooded […]

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