Good-Bye, Kiribati

The children, their little brown bodies and silky-black sun-streaked hair shining, are bathed in the shallows after running unconstrained all day. A woman with a stick, bent doubled over, digs tiny protein-rich clams out of the sand to feed her infant. The strong young men, with their small, weathered, fishing boat, are sliding into the turquoise lagoon, spreading their hand-made nets to collect the hefty fish from the slow, outgoing tide. […]

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The Futility of Walls – New Orleans #3

In the early 1700s, Jean Baptist Le Moyne de Bienville planted the French flag on a bank near the mouth of the Mississippi River. On a berm above the water line, outside an acute curve, he laid out the crescent-shaped city of La Nouvelle-Orleans, or New Orleans. About a year later the little city flooded […]

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Coping With the Consequences – A Framework for Hope

Unfortunately, freight ships don’t turn around quickly, and we have pushed the climate change ship too far down the line to avoid consequences. The throes of climate change are upon us. Our hurricanes are more furious and more frequent. Our droughts are longer. Our temperatures are hotter. The air is drier. Wildfires start quickly and […]

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